Lanie Lee Cheatham is Henry and Sunny’s youngest granddaughter, daughter to Carol and Thomas.

It is incredibly difficult to comprehend the loss of my grandparents. They were both so full of life and spirit in their old age. Halmonee would always go into laughing fits, causing everyone around her to burst into laughter. Harabojee would tell witty jokes, garnering laughter from strangers and friends alike. There is so much of their life I was not a part of, but reading about all the stories you send in brings me joy to learn about the lives they lived.
I miss talking to them on the phone, even though we would only talk for a little while every week, they were always very curious about how I was doing and eternally supportive. They were also so generous, and often showed their love through money, food, and other goods. They sent me so many packages of various items, clothing, dial soap, gum, cookies, masks, and anything else I could ever want. They also bought me a car after my sister got one and saved money for my college education, because they wanted to be fair to the both of us.
They lived a full life and helped so many people in ways I was not even aware of until now. They had a profound impact on my life which I will forever be grateful for, and influenced so many others as well. I love you one million Halmonee and Harabojee.