John Lim is nephew to Henry and Sunny.

There are only a few ‘jokes’ I remember from my early childhood, and two of them come from your grandfather. During one of his visits, back in the smoggy days of LA, I remember driving by UCLA when he asked, ‘What do you see when the smog clears up?… UCLA.’ Later, on that same visit, he challenged us to a pizza eating contest and claimed he could eat a hundred pieces of pizza – and proceeded to cut his slice into many, many little bits… That kind of silly joking made him a favorite to us little kids. I’m sure my brother remembers this too.

As for your grandmother, Aunt Sunny was always so matter-of-fact and very, very funny in that way, even when she wasn’t intending to. Whenever she spoke, I would listen. So if you are gathering stories about her, you should end up with a large collection…

Your grandparents are in some of the best memories I have from my childhood, as, doubtless, they are—and will remain—with you.

One regret of mine is that your grandfather never met my youngest kid, Alexander Henry—his namesake.

May their memories be a blessing.