Former students and colleagues from Henry’s time at University of California, Irvine (UCI). Henry worked at UCI from 1987 until his retirement in 2009. Read more on his time at UCI here. Both Henry and Sunny were well loved members of the UCI community.
Young Jik Kwon, former student.
Prof. Lim and his wife graciously treated me and my family way more than what we possibly deserved. He was one of the main reasons why I ended up coming to UCI in 2007, when he offered his own lab space for me to use. I ran into him and his wife together in a local restaurant shortly before the pandemic, and am regretful that I did not give them even a phone call since then. My wife did not believe that they passed away when I told her the news. She occasionally met them in grocery stores, hospitals, and restaurants. It’s so unreal for us that they are gone. I have many good memories with Prof. Lim and his wife for the past 13+ years and they simply indicate the extraordinary generosity, friendship, encouragement, and guidance given by Prof. Lim and his wife. My family and I pray for them to rest in peace and for your family to be comforted by God.
Bor-Yann Chen, former student.
As one of Professor Henry Lim’s PhD students, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to Professor Lim for his persistent guidance and encouragement throughout the course of my study in UCI (1991-1995). For years, the significant influences of his teaching are always inseparable from me. With strong recommendation of my MSc Advisor—Professor Shih-Yow Huang at NTU, I am so honored that I can pursue my PhD studies in Prof Lim’s research group for bacteriophage study. During my first 2 years in UCI, in fact, outstanding outcomes of research from former seniors—Prof. T.H. Park and Prof C.S. Lin undeniably gave me much pressures to conduct the follow-up project. However, I also wish to thank Prof. Lim allowing me to consider this unusual biological system with vector (i.e., Escherichia coli in “infectious disease”) for expression of gene products via epidemic modelling. With host-parasite relationships to decipher characteristics of infection in E. coli for target protein production, optimal reactor operation seemed to be in batch mode to prevent washout of infected and productive cell populations in CSTR mode of operation. More than 25 years passed by so fast, I always keep in mind using creative thinking that Professor Lim taught me to implement scientific research. With such valuable training from Prof. Lim, I have published more than 160 SCI-peer reviewed journal articles even I had total less than 20 graduate students for 20 academic years in National I-Lan University. In addition, I was also listed in top 2% scientists in the world: Biotechnology 304/50343(0.6%) by Stanford University (11/25/2020). Again, I would like to express the deepest appreciation from the bottom of my heart to Professor Lim through one Chinese saying “一日為師 終生為父”. Thank you very much since Prof. Lim you taught me the precious skill for life and forever.
Keehyn Han, former student.
My name is Keehyun Han from Seoul, Korea. I had my Ph.D. course at University of California, Irvine (UCI) from Sept. 87 till Mar. 92. Prof. Lim was my academic advisor.
It is very nice to communicate with you. Your grandmother, Mrs. Lim, loved you and was proud of so much. When she met Prof. Lim’s Korean students and student’s wives in Seoul, she talked about you many times. I could feel how much Mrs. Lim loved you. Mrs. Lim told me that Prof. Lim was also big fan of you. Thanks for being a nice granddaughter to your grandpa and grandma.
In the summer of 87, Prof. Lim moved from Purdue University to UCI to open up chemical and biochemical program(graduate course), which later expanded to be today’s Dept. of Chemical and Biomolecular engineering of UCI. Before his coming, UCI did not offer chemical engineering courses. I was one of the first three graduate students who started graduate studies in 87 under Prof. Lim and Prof. Hong’s guidance.

My days in Irvine was one of the best part of my life. One of the main reasons why my days in UCI was so good was because Prof. Lim and Mrs. Lim were there together. Though I could tell how nice Prof. Lim and Mrs. Lim were over many days with many good memories, one I would like to share is how humble they were. They showed what is being humble in daily life. I have tried and am still trying to be like your grandparents, but I am far short of them.
Prof. Lim was more than an academic advisor. He was a mentor showing how to live and behave without saying. Sometimes I imagine what if I didn’t go down to Irvine. I may gain similar level of academic knowledge somewhere. But most probably I wouldn’t have a fortune to meet a mentor like him.
Whenever Prof. Lim and Mrs. Lim came to Korea, Lim’s army got together. Not only Mr. Lim’s students but students’ wives also got together to see Prof. Lim and Mrs. Lim even 10, 20 years after coming back to Korea. This tells what kind of person he was and how much we all loved Mrs. Lim.